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Monday, January 22, 2007

He's Just Not that Into You

So I've just read He's Just Not that Into You, and I really was not that into it. They lost me in the first chapter, when that dating rule that just won't die came up: A woman should never EVER ask a man out first. *sigh* Sweetie, if a man is going to be somehow offended or turned off by you having the guts to ask him out, do you really want to go out with him? (This myth is debunked in the latest issue of Bust, which we shall get to later). Personally I'd rather ask and know if he was into me and get on with my life, instead of playing this "I like you but that fact that I have ovaries prevents me from asking you out for coffee" game.

The rest of the book is ok, but should be common sense. Obviously you don't want to date married men, guys who only want to hang out if there is drinking involved, men who are sleeping around, etc.

There is some good advice about the guy who you're sort of seeing but isn't really your boyfriend, the guy who never wants to get married, and others. The overall theme of getting rid of the guy giving you mixed messages or making you miserable is a good one, but sticking to stale dating myths makes this book out-of-date.


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