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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Birth Control Myths, Gamers Getting Dates, and Dating Sites for Everyone

From CNN, 10 Myths About the Pill Busted! (via Feministing)
The article mentions that the pill doesn't make migraines worse, and I think that is a little tricky. It can be a migraine trigger, and that is something that women should be aware of.

I found an interesting piece on Joystiq today (its a gaming news site, for you non-nerds.) Evidently, the denizens of Digg are convinced that playing World of Warcraft can't help you get a girlfriend. I can safely say, after moving four states away to be with a man I met on WoW, the folks at Digg are wrong on this one.

Looking for unique dating sites? Check out the list put together on Girl Dates London.

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