Long Distance Relationships!
Here is an article about long distance relationships from the Boston Globe. The article discusses the factors that have led to more 20-somethings trying to maintain romantic relationships over long distances. One of the people they interviewed mentioned that all of the time spent talking and getting to know each other when they were apart made moving in together much easier, because they had already talked about a lot of issues that would come up later. I think this was definitely true in my case as well. Especially when you're going to move very far away to be with someone, you want to make sure there won't be too many unpleasant surprises when you move in. If you're considering moving a long way to be with the one you love, you should start talking about things like chores, bills, pets, all of your annoying habits, and anything else that might come up. Hate doing the dishes? Mentioning that now can avoid a fight later. Maybe if your potential live-in partner hates laundry, you can work out a trade.If you're trying to do the long distance thing, I can not recommend purchasing a web cam enough. It's really nice to be able to see someone while you're talking to them. Eyejot is a new service that can add another use for your web cam. It lets you send short web cam videos in email. It's completely web-based, so you don't have to download any sort of software to use it. When I tried it, the video worked immediately. However, it took me a bit to get the audio working. That might be because I'm completely incompetent with computer audio, though! This would be great for long distance couples to send each other video emails. Even if you aren't far away from each other, you could use Eyejot to send each other funny little messages whenever you want. (via Lifehacker)
From the Village Voice, the story of how a BDSM relationship ended up in federal court. The article points out that this case would be much different had the charges been filed with the local police, instead of the US Attorney.
The Queen of England shows that she considers couples who are unmarried but living together to be essentially married. As half of a cohabitating couple, I think that's a pretty cool recognition of today's changing lifestyles.
Labels: bdsm, long distance, love
I am unclear, was the BDSM case brought in federal court due to a long distance relationship, or just because of how the complaint was filed.
As a fan of BDSM it was an interesting read, and bring sup some good points.
I am a big fan of the Authors other work, so it was good to see. I need to read this more ofton.
The BDSM case and the long distance relationship article were entirely seperate, sorry for the confusion!
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