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Cheap dates! Looking for an inexpensive idea for your next date? From Zen Habits (via Lifehacker), ideas for romantic dates that don't cost too much. My favorites on the list are museums and festivals. Really, if a guy wants to take me on a great date, he can't beat the zoo. The zoo is probably the same or a bit more than going out to a movie, depending on where you live, but I think you get more for your money as far as planning a fun date.For advice on being environmentally responsible, Ask Umbra over at Grist is the best. Recently she's covered both green weddings and keeping your sex life eco-friendly.
Baggage Reclaim has a list of "Eight Dating Mistakes to Avoid". There are a few here that I'm sure you've heard before, but you might need to hear again.
Feministing reports that birth control prices are going up on college campuses. It's something to be aware of if you're using a campus clinic to get your prescriptions.
Need another reason to practice safe sex? A recent survey shows that new parents lose up to 90 minutes of sleep per night, which over the course of a year, is equivalent to two months of sleepless ngihts.
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