Are video game controllers ruining your relationship?
Here is an article about the strain put on relationships from the plethora of video game controllers than many gamers own. The article likens girlfriends complaining that their boyfriend has too many controllers, to men complaining that their wives have too many shoes.The amount of time and money spent on any sort of hobby or collection is the issue. I understand if a girl complains that her guy spends too much time gaming. In that case, when you bring home your shiny new DDR mat the first thing that pops into her head may be, "Yet ANOTHER game to take up his time!" Instead of complaining about the DDR mat, she needs to express what she's really feeling, in this case that her boyfriend spends too much time gaming instead of with her.
I also understand if a girl complains if that her guy just leaves the controllers all over the place. She probably has other issues with the house staying neat. I think video games always become an easy target for non-gamers, because they seem so frivolous. If the real issue is keeping the house neat, then thats what she needs to talk about, instead of complaining about the controllers.
If the time spent gaming isn't a problem, and the controllers are put away and organized, then I don't see what the problem is. If your girlfriend has a general disdain for gaming and is annoyed just because you bought another controller, then you might not be with the right person. Your significant other should respect your hobbies, even if he or she doesn't enjoy or understand them.
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