What do you think is the most romantic song?
This morning I was driving to an appointment, and "Maybe I'm Amazed" by Paul McCartney came on the radio. It made me think of my sweetie, and that was really nice on a stressful day. When I was in the waiting room, it came on again. So I really started thinking about it. It's such a great song, because it's not about some sort of fairy tale romance. It's about a real relationship. There's songs that are the musical equivalent of romance novels, fluffy and syrupy sweet, and then there are songs where someone spilled open their guts on the page and said what they really felt.
This got me to thinking, is this the most romantic song ever? Surely there are other candidates, and what's romantic to one person isn't to another. So what's your most romantic song ever?
Other possibilities:
- Many, many things by The Cure (if you've ever been a broken hearted goth boy, then you might pick Boys Don't Cry)
- Can't Help Falling in Love (is this originally by Elvis?)
- Why Can't I by Liz Phair holds a special place in my heart, and I think it captures that beginning of a relationship, schoolgirl crush kind of feeling. I don't know if it's the most romantic EVER.
- Stevie Wonder. Just about everything.
Johnny Rivers' Slow Dancing (Swaying to the Music) - All these years later, OMG! Still does it to me.
Either "The Book of Love" or "It's Only Time," both by the Magnetic Fields.
Slow Dancing - definitely a good suggestion. I like it because it's realistic, it's just people dancing in their living room. A really simple scene but really moving too.
I should have known Chris would have suggestions from the Magnetic Fields. :)
When it comes to Stevie Wonder you can't go wrong. I'd say either "Ribbon in the Sky" or "For Your Love".
When it comes to Liz Phair, I'm more of a "Red Light Fever Guy". And "Just Like Heaven" (preferably the live version from SHOW) always tugs upon ye olde heart strings.
I also nominate "So Far" by Matthew Sweet as a rather positive geared romantic tune.
I actually had a guy sing "Just Like Heaven" to me once. If you ever want to get a girl to completely melt, you can't go wrong there.
There's a song by Yoko Kanno called Waltz for Zizi on one of the Cowboy Bebop soundtracks. If there's any song that's made for slow dancing in the living room, that's it.
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